
A cross-language and columnar database access abstraction for Apache Arrow.

A cross-language standard for in-memory columnar data.

PMC member.

The third iteration of a programming competition run by Two Sigma.

A game intended to teach programming comprehension, developed for a university research project.

A web platformer/puzzle game, developed for a university course.

The second iteration of a programming competition run by Two Sigma.

A game intended to teach object-oriented programming comprehension, developed for a university course.

A vaguely Wolfram|Alpha-like site powered by the SymPy symbolic algebra library. Can perform integrals (with steps), plot functions, and so on.

Talks & Writings


明けましておめでとうございます! 新年快乐! As always, I would like to write more in the future. 2023 and 2024 ended up with me...…

A fairly hilarious discovery today while reading アリスとテレスのまぼろし工場: one way to call something “Western” is to describe it as batakusai...…