tweets: random thoughts for 2025 January


I bought a manual lens since it was cheap and have been trying to figure it out. Some notes from a newbie:

  • Just because I can shoot at f/1.4 doesn’t mean I have to. Stopping down to increase the focal plane can be helpful. (My kit lens maxed out at f/3.5 which wasn’t great.)
  • It turns out the EVF has an adjustable diopter, which would explain why it looked so blurry before.
  • I need to really make sure I nail the focus!
  • 70mm equivalent (35mm on a micro four thirds) is a bit difficult to work around, but doable. If anything maybe it forces me to take nicer landscape shots by choosing something to actually focus on.

Blake’s Hard Cider (from Michigan) is now being imported to Japan. It wasn’t my favorite cider, but it’s nice to get something from “home”!


I have gotten a bit faster at reading Japanese, I think: I finally finished「貴女。 百合小説アンソロジー」and started on another book,「月の影、影の海」 from「十二国記」. I remember the Makoto Shinkai and other light novels I tried recently being a pain, but I’m actually making decent progress here. (On the other hand, I’m entirely underwater on my other reading…)