Statistics ========== .. module:: sympy.statistics .. note :: This module has been deprecated. See the :mod:`stats ` module. The ``statistics`` module in SymPy implements standard probability distributions and related tools. Its contents can be imported with the following statement:: >>> from sympy import * >>> from sympy.statistics import * >>> init_printing(use_unicode=False, wrap_line=False, no_global=True) Normal distributions -------------------- ``Normal(mu, sigma)`` creates a normal distribution with mean value ``mu`` and standard deviation ``sigma``. The ``Normal`` class defines several useful methods and properties. Various properties can be accessed directly as follows: >>> N = Normal(0, 1) >>> N.mean 0 >>> N.median 0 >>> N.variance 1 >>> N.stddev 1 You can generate random numbers from the desired distribution with the ``random`` method: >>> N = Normal(10, 5) >>> N.random() #doctest: +SKIP 4.914375200829805834246144514 >>> N.random() #doctest: +SKIP 11.84331557474637897087177407 >>> N.random() #doctest: +SKIP 17.22474580071733640806996846 >>> N.random() #doctest: +SKIP 9.864643097429464546621602494 The probability density function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a distribution can be computed, either in symbolic form or for particular values: >>> N = Normal(1, 1) >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> N.pdf(1) ___ \/ 2 -------- ____ 2*\/ pi >>> N.pdf(3).evalf() 0.0539909665131880 >>> N.cdf(x) / ___ \ |\/ 2 *(x - 1)| erf|-------------| \ 2 / 1 ------------------ + - 2 2 >>> N.cdf(-oo), N.cdf(1), N.cdf(oo) (0, 1/2, 1) >>> N.cdf(5).evalf() 0.999968328758167 The method ``probability`` gives the total probability on a given interval (a convenient alternative syntax for cdf(b)-cdf(a)): >>> N = Normal(0, 1) >>> N.probability(-oo, 0) 1/2 >>> N.probability(-1, 1) / ___\ |\/ 2 | erf|-----| \ 2 / >>> N.probability(-1, 1).evalf() 0.682689492137086 You can also generate a symmetric confidence interval from a given desired confidence level (given as a fraction 0-1). For the normal distribution, 68%, 95% and 99.7% confidence levels respectively correspond to approximately 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations: >>> N = Normal(0, 1) >>> N.confidence(0.68) (-0.994457883209753, 0.994457883209753) >>> N.confidence(0.95) (-1.95996398454005, 1.95996398454005) >>> N.confidence(0.997) (-2.96773792534178, 2.96773792534178) Plug the interval back in to see that the value is correct: >>> N.probability(*N.confidence(0.95)).evalf() 0.950000000000000 Other distributions ------------------- Besides the normal distribution, uniform continuous distributions are also supported. ``Uniform(a, b)`` represents the distribution with uniform probability on the interval [a, b] and zero probability everywhere else. The ``Uniform`` class supports the same methods as the ``Normal`` class. Additional distributions, including support for arbitrary user-defined distributions, are planned for the future. API Reference ------------- Sample ^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sympy.statistics.distributions.Sample :members: Continuous Probability Distributions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sympy.statistics.distributions.ContinuousProbability :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.statistics.distributions.Normal :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.statistics.distributions.Uniform :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.statistics.distributions.PDF :members: